Branches of Linguistics – A Brief Introduction

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Written By usmanshoukat

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Linguistics is the scientific study of language from different aspects. It includes the study of both general language and particular language. The field of study of linguistics can be further subdivided into various branches of linguistics according to the aspect of the language to be studied.

Branches of Linguistics

Before looking at the details of the branches of the linguistics, we shall have a brief introduction of some distinctions in linguistics in the first place. These distinctions are as follows:

  1. General and descriptive linguistics
  2. Diachronic and synchronic
  3. Microlinguistics and macrolinguistics
  4. Theoretical and applied linguistics

Distinctions in Linguistics

General and Descriptive Linguistics

This is the relationship between the study of language in general and the study of a particular language. General linguistics deals with the study of general features and rules of language while on the contrary, descriptive linguistics deals with the study of features and rules of a particular language, for example, the study of general features and function of a language is studied in general linguistics. The central question in general linguistics is “what is a language?”

General linguistics and descriptive linguistics are however not unrelated. General linguistics provides the rules and concepts in terms of which a particular language is analyzed in descriptive linguistics.

Diachronic and Synchronic

This distinction in linguistics deals with the study of language from a historical perspective. Diachronic linguistics is the study of historical developments and traces the changes that have taken place in a language over a successive period of time, for example, what was the origin of the word and how it changes when it becomes part of another language.

While synchronic linguistics studies a language at a particular time. It is non-historical and just describes how the language is at a particular point in time.

Microlinguistics and macrolinguistics

This distinction deals with the viewpoint for the study of a language. This is actually the study of narrow vs. broader viewpoint. Microlinguistics is a narrow view of the study language and studies language from a structural point of view without going into the description of acquisition and practical use of language. 

On the other hand, macrolinguistics is concerned with every aspect of the study of linguistics including the structure of language, how language is stored in the brain, interrelationship of culture and language, etc. 

Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

The fourth distinction in linguistics is between theoretical and applied linguistics. It is the relationship between theory and practical. The dichotomy that deals with the construction of a theory of structure and function of language irrespective of its practical application. While applied linguistics is more concerned with the practical application of the theory of language such as language teaching.


Branches of Linguistics

Linguistics is an emerging field. With every passing moment, new fields of study are emerging. These sub-fields are branches of linguistics. It is just like a tree with its branches emerging with time. In other words, the branches of the tree are different sub-fields of study. Some of the main branches of linguistics are as follows:

Branches of Linguistics

Sociolinguistics: This branch of linguistics is concerned with the study of the relationship between language and society. It studies what changes occur in society due to language and vice versa including the study of different dialects of the same language

Psycholinguistics: It is the study of the relationship between language and the brain. It deals with the storage of language in the brain and the role of the brain in the production of language for example which part of the brain helps in the production of language.

Stylistics: It is the study of the relationship between language and literature. The primary concern of stylistics is the identification of purposes of literary devices into which language is put and its success in achieving that literary purpose.

Historical Linguistics: It is the study of language change over a period of time. It traces all historic developments in a language and reason behind those changes.

Comparative Linguistics: It can be categorized as a subfield of sociolinguistics but many linguists consider this as a separate field of linguistics. It studies the language systems of different languages and determination of similarities among them

Computational Linguistics: It is the study of the simulation of language using computers. It is a new field of study in linguistics. It has become an important field of research in Linguistics and gave rise to many sub-fields for example, discourse analysis, machine learning, etc.

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